Whole school

Reception and Year 1 Super Six
A varied list of reading books to look at during guided reading sessions over the year in a mixed reception and year 1 class.

Reception and Year One Weekly Planning
This is the planning format that I use each week that shows the inputs that I will be teaching and the enhancements that I put in provision.

Group Name Labels
Julia Donaldson book group names.
These are editable so you can change the wording/font to suit you.

Mixed Reception and Year One Weekly Planning
This is the planning format that I use and share with my support staff to show what inputs we are doing over the week as well as what challenges are out in provision.

EYFS Summer 1 Overview
A brief overview detailing what we will be teaching across the 7 areas of learning in our reception class.

ELG Tick Sheets
Sheets for assessing children against the ELGs.
We find this handy when sitting as a team and discussing the children’s abilities, looking through books and recent assessments. It then makes inputting data for LA very quick and simple.

Reception Autumn Term Timetable
A timetable for a reception class in autumn one term showing how we structure our week.

Autumn 2, Week 4 Challenge Passport
Challenges set out in continuous provision for a mixed reception and year one class.

Reception and Year One Timetable
This is the timetable I use for Autumn term in a mixed reception and year one class. I alternate teaching maths and english so one week there will be 3 maths inputs and 2 english inputs and the following week there will be 3 english and 2 maths so it all evens out.

Autumn 2, Week 3 Challenge Passport
Year 1 Challenge Passport for continuous provision activities.
I also use this for reception but adapt the reception writing and maths activities to be more accessible for them.

Autumn 2, Week 2 Challenge Passport
Year 1 Challenge Passport for continuous provision activities.
I also use this for reception but adapt the reception writing and maths activities to be more accessible for them.

Autumn 2, Week 1 Challenge Passport
Year 1 Challenge Passport for continuous provision activities.
I also use this for reception but adapt the reception writing and maths activities to be more accessible for them.

Reception End of Autumn 2 Assessment
Matching statements in our progression document to assess progress over Autumn 2 across all seven areas of learning.

End of Autumn 1 Assessment
Matching statements in our progression document to assess progress over Autumn 1 across all seven areas of learning.

CoEL Dinosaur Display
All elements needed for your own ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’ display with a cute dinosaur theme.
Dinosaur images
Dinosaur names
Speech bubbles with statements

Reception End of Spring 1 Assessment
Matching statements in our progression document to assess progress over Spring 1 across all seven areas of learning.

Phonics Assessment Grid for Parents
4 different formats for children with varying abilities.
These have been made to stick in reading records to share children’s progress with parents and inform them on what sounds/skills need to be developed. Linked to Read Write Inc assessment 3.